BundleTutor lifter - Transporter for heat exchanger tube bundles
BundleTutor lifter For easy, safe and secure aerial handling of the tube bundle
MAUS ITALIA presents the BundleTutor lifter for the aerial handling of tube bundles, for use both
within the plant and during the production of heat exchangers. By lifting the tube bundle easily and safely, the BundleTutor lifter eliminates the risk of destroying the ba es and damaging the tubes.
The MAUS ITALIA team is available to design custom solutions for extreme circumstances and ATEX / NAVY versions for the o shore market.

Important features

Protects the tube bundle
The BundleTutor lifter sustain and supports the tube bundle during handling using two complementary and independent feature (clamps and lifting slings), ensuring perfect support along its longitudinal axis and eliminating tensions and deformations.

The BundleTutor lifter is an extremely easy machine to use. A small number of intuitive controls allow the easy handling of the heavy tonnage of a tube bundle.

The symmetrical clamps of the BundleTutor lifter and independent hydraulically controlled by the operator, can be easily adapted to the dimensions of the tube bundle to be lifted by encircling it carefully along its entire length.

Freedom of movement
All movement and adjustment controls can be managed by remote control on request.

Adapts according to need
MAUS ITALIA can design, on request and after technical verification, the BundleTutor lifter for bundle measurements and weights that di er from the standard product.

ATEX Certification
The BundleTutor lifter can be manufactured on request according to the ATEX directive in an explosion proof configuration for use in environments with a potentially explosive atmosphere..

DNV certification for FPSO and offshore platforms
MAUS ITALIA can manufacture, on request, the offshore BundleTutor lifter version for the aerial handling of tube bundles on FPSO and platforms DNV (ST-0378 , ST-E273 - MARITIME approved)

Not afraid of the cold
The BundleTutor lifter can be supplied, on request, in the special version suitable for operating at the very lowest of temperatures.

Hydraulically controlled by the operator, the telescopic extensions extend the length of the most bulky of tube bundles, always ensuring perfect balance and support of the tube sheets.

Compensates for errors
The control on the independent ropes, as well as improving the aligned support of the tube bundle, allows compensation (through rotation) for any potential positioning errors during setting down on the extractor.

Alignment with extractor and approaching
The BundleTutor lifter is aligned (using a crane or bridge crane) and surmounts the Mef express HT which carries the tube bundle to be moved;

Tube bundle sling and balancing
After having adapted to the dimensions of the tube bundle, the BundleTutor lifter harnesses it and, extremely carefully, lifts it using the support slings controlled by independent ropes, balancing it upon the longitudinal axis; The clamps, working symmetrically, centre and encompass the bundle, ensuring its support

Lifting and handling of tube bundles
The tube bundle is thus easily lifted, moved and set down in complete safety for scheduled maintenance.

Structural analysis
During the 3D design phase, each BundleTutor lifter is subjected to structural analysis using the Finite Element Method. Predicting what will happen when the product is used allows for optimised and free design.

Bundletutor lifter NAVY
For operation in the open sea where extreme conditions and erosion are merciless
MAUS ITALIA patents and certifies the BundleTutor lifter, with DNV•GL approval, in a special NAVY version, which it o ers for the aerial handling of tube bundles on o shore platforms and FPSO. Il BundleTutor lifter NAVY concentrates anti-spark materials of the highest level suitable to withstand extreme situations and for operation in potentially explosive environments (ATEX) where every possible source of ignition must be eliminated.
In addition to tests simulating o shore conditions, each component and the assembled machine have been subjected to the approval of the responsible certifier.

Bundletutor lifter E
For operation in closed spaces while respecting the environment and operator health
MAUS ITALIA offers a fully electric version of the BundleTutor lifter, especially for workshops and closed spaces where the use of a combustion engine causes an unhealthy environment.
The BundleTutor lifter E is offered as a green solution with zero emissions and with autonomy of over 25 working cycles.

Image gallery of BundelTutor 1500
Product technical datasheet
If you would like all the technical information related to this product, please download the .pdf brochureor get in contact with us directly, our qualified personnel will answer to your queries.